
“I will be behind you to push you when you can’t move forward on your own. Beside you when you feel alone. In front of you when the journey seems long, and beneath you to help you rise up into who…YOU are” ~La’Toya

La’Toya can help you become who YOU are… 

Schedule An Appointment

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am to 9:00pm; Sat/Sun varies by appointments

YOU are…Ready

60 minute individual sessions start at $65/hour for each individual.

Package Pricing:

Four 60 minute sessions $239

Eight 60 minute sessions $499

Three month package: 60 minute sessions once per week $759 or 60 minute sessions twice per week $1,419

Relationship/Couples sessions starts at $140/hour. Additional time can be purchased. Discounts applicable for multiple sessions.

Premarital sessions pricing varies per case.

*One free initial 40 minute session - Get to know who YOU are…

**Package pricing may be customized due to different needs.

***Face to face sessions will include a travel charge.

Sessions are held via phone, web-conference or in person if needed. 

*Keep in mind that research has found that it takes 60-90 days to change behavioral patterns. Most people keep sessions going for at least 3 months.

 After the 4th step, we will evaluate where You Are and if more sessions are needed.

Please select the below button to pay for sessions via credit card. Read the Refund Policy before paying for services.

YOU are…Services

Click the button below to select services offered by YOU are…Life Coaching, LLC. La’Toya will contact you within 24 to 48 business hours.


Contact YOU are…Life Coaching, LLC Today!

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am to 9:00pm; Sat/Sun varies by appointments

Phone: 704.918.5208
